Friday, September 13, 2013

Elegy by Amanda Hocking

Amanda Hocking

Gemma is running out of time. She has yet to find a way to destroy the scroll. Penn is desperately looking for her replacement. Harper is doing all she could even if it means she will be missing classes. Alex and Gemma has gotten back together and their love stronger than ever.

Thea is getting tired of Penn. With Liv in the picture, things are getting more difficult and getting more out of control. Liv is always hungry. More damage is done in Capri town. With Marcy and Lydia's help, they were able to trace Demeter which goes with the name Diana now. However, she is not willing to help break the curse. 

Gemma tried everything to break the curse but no luck. Daniel is getting deeper into the mess. Gemma can't help feeling guilty about how her loved ones have to sacrifice. When they have gotten rid off the evil sirens, everybody thought the curse has been broken. Gemma knew her life has come to an end as she gets weaker and weaker. Alex would not let her go easily. Together, the destroyed the scroll.

p/s: I love happy endings. This final book is a little slow in action but I am glad it all ends well. If there is anything I would like to change or add to the story, it would be that Kirby did not die and Natalie is back to her old self. Now that would be an absolute happy ending. Yes, I love happy endings. :)

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